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Welcome to Foot Solutions Podiatry

The way you walk, stand and feel, all comes down to your feet.

At Foot Solutions Podiatry, we believe your feet are important to your quality of life.

Active Feet, Healthy Fit

Our feet are the foundation of our everyday lives. Most of our lives are spent in shoes.

At Foot Solutions Podiatry, we are dedicated to helping you choose the right footwear so you can help keep your feet healthy, and make your physical activity easier.

Because We Care

We take pride in providing holistic and quality care.

Whether you are young or senior, you can feel safe  putting your feet in our hands.

Take Yourself Further

Let your feet take you to new places and experience every step along the way.

Our practice

We treat all patients no matter what phase of life you are at.  Bulk billing consults are available for patients with a GP referred care plan. Private health is accepted.

Individual care

Our podiatrist aims to provide each patient with high quality care combined with the latest cutting edge technology. Everyone is unique.

Team care

Our team works closely with your GP and other health professionals to give you the best possible multidisciplinary outcome.

Holistic management

Your feet are just one part of the chain. We are trained to look past the feet and into the higher extremities and provide alternative treatment solutions.


Orthotics are designed to improve your posture by controlling the movement and redistributing the forces equally across the feet. This is particularly helpful in reducing stress and pain in your feet, legs and back. 

An accurate diagnosis is important to resolving any pain.
Our podiatrists have a comprehensive understanding of this and how orthotics are made. By performing a thorough biomechanical assessment and utilising cutting-edge technology, we are able to address the cause of your condition.

We individualise your needs to ensure proper control, support and comfort.

Acupuncture/dry needling

Effective for:
✔ Muscular release
✔ Restless legs – pins and needles, tingling and burning

Therapeutical Ultrasound

Aids in:
✔ Reducing swelling
Improving circulation
✔ Pain relief

In-Clinic Nail Surgeries

When conservative measures fail for ingrown toenails, we offer:
✔ Partial nail avulsions
Total nail removals

Routine Care

Skin and nail conditions including:
✔ Corns/callouses, warts

✔ Fungal/thickened nails
✔ Cracked heels

Meet our podiatrist

Dr. Jon Teh

I LOVED and adored sports from a young age.
Being so active came with a price – I had heel pain, shin splints, and sore feet.
Growing up, my athletic coach used to say “No PAIN, no GAIN”.
So I kept going…. and going…

I never really considered Podiatry until I saw a course brochure from University of Western Australia.
It was in my final year of clinical practice that I finally decided to address my pains by seeing my clinical mentor and supervisor, Dr Reza Naraghi. He introduced me to acupuncture/dry needling which to my surprise, resolved all my leg and feet problems!
I have since went on to do a number of biomechanical and acupuncture courses and seminars,  making my very own custom foot orthotics and becoming pain-free.

Now, my goal is to help YOU to live with pain-free feet as well.

Let’s improve your health together

Here’s everything you need to know prior to your appointment!

What happens on your first appointment?

Every initial consultation involves a 3-step process:

·         Beginning with the patient history/needs and expectations.

·         This is followed by a holistic clinical observation and assessment.

·         Once the underlying cause (diagnosis) has been found, appropriate treatment will be provided.

What do I need to bring to my first appointment?

      Our practice does bulk-billing consultations for those who have a valid GP referred Podiatry care plan. If you are unsure if you are eligible for one, please consult your GP as you may be qualified to have up to a maximum of 5 visits annually.

Some other useful things to have with you are:

·  Private health card – private health funds are acceptable.

·  Medicare card

·  Veteran affair’s card – most Podiatry services are covered under a gold DVA card.

·  Pensioner card – our practice offer discounts for those under pension.

· Worker’s compensation forms – required for claims as a result from injury at work.

What if I can't make it to the clinic?

We provide home visit consultations for those with limited mobility to those around the Gosnells, Thornlie and Winthrop areas. If you are unsure of whether you are eligible for a home visit consultation, please give us a call and we will be happy to discuss your options. Cost of consultations may vary depending on distance.

Parking and facilities

Free parking available within both clinics, in marked white spaces.

Both clinics offer plenty of access for those presenting on wheel chairs.

·   General practitioner, radiology, chemist, registered nurse, diabetic nurse, dietitian and physiotherapy available within Tandara Medical Centre.

·   General practitioner, registered nurse and dentist available within Thornlie Medical Centre.

Testimonial #1

Years of cracked heels, countless of doctors, and no solutions. Happened to see Jon after recommendation by my father and now, my feet are smooth as a baby’s bum! Absolutely thrilled with his service and I have the confidence to show my feet off again!

Georgina B.

Testimonial #2

My feet used to burn and bother me day and night. Various doctors and specialists put it down to my diabetes. The minute Jon introduced me to acupuncture, I’ve never slept better!

Thomas H.

Testimonial #3

I was too embarrassed to show my feet. Jon had a look at it at one glance and prescribed an antifungal solution to kill it. Thank you very much.

Janet R.

Testimonial #4

Jon’s great with kids. He was able to help my son’s flat feet and knock knees. Now, he can happily run around the playground without falling over so much.

Samantha H.

Testimonial #5

Been coming to Jon for years. He is always friendly, reliable and cheerful, gets the job done.

Constance F.

Testimonial #6

I liked his attention to detail. Jon really knows his stuff.

Shane W.

Testimonial #7

With Jon – problem solved.

Maurice B.

Practice Locations

Tandara Medical Centre

122-126 Stalker Road,
Gosnells WA 6110

T: 08 9234 7000

Thornlie Medical Centre

271 Spencer Road, 
Thornlie WA 6108

T: 08 9267 2888

Tandara Medical Centre

Thornlie medical center